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Reimagining Analytics and Herding Unicorns

Reimagining Analytics and Herding Unicorns
Money can’t buy you love, and the world’s largest, best-known companies are finding it can’t buy answers, either. Corporate giants are investing billions of dollars in analytics, but still can’t address their toughest challenges using all the data, all the time.

How is that possible?

Well, global senior business and IT leaders who responded to the global survey we commissioned with research firm Vanson Bourne said it comes down to three key factors that create roadblocks: company data isn’t sufficiently accessible (79%), exceedingly complex analytics technology (74%), and analytics can’t be deciphered without the help of a limited resource--data scientists(75%).

Data access. It’s been an issue for as long as data existed, and with data volumes growing exponentially, access becomes both more crucial and more difficult. That access is what makes or breaks data intelligence—according to 79 percent of the respondents, they need more data available, all the time, to do their job effectively.


The second roadblock is analytics technology complexity, and the inability of most non-IT employees to understand it. Over 40 percent of respondents said their analytics are ineffective due to friction between people and the data produced by augmented intelligence. Ensuring a frictionless relationship between your people and your data is more important than ever because that friction, or lack of understanding, creates the third issue uncovered in the study: a mere 25 percent told us that said their business decision makers have the skills to access and use intelligence from analytics without the need for data scientists.

So, data scientists are tantamount to unicorns, and that’s a problem when you need to make smart, fast decisions.


The bottom line

Customers want more access, less complexity, and little or no dependence on data scientists.

The answer to all three? Pervasive Data Intelligence. This, the ability to analyze all data, all the time, triggers organization-wide intelligence, and that intelligence rises above analytics to get to answers and outcomes.

With pervasive data intelligence you rise above the inherent complexity of analytics that keeps you from the answers you need to make an intelligent organization. Siemens Healthineers is partnering with Teradata to put pervasive data intelligence into play as a core business strategy.

Positioned at the epicenter of clinical decision making across the full healthcare spectrum, Siemens Healthineers oversees more than 600,000 installed products around the world. Those products generate 240,000 patient touchpoints an hour, including sensor data. With lives on the line uptime is critical, so Siemens relies on Teradata Vantage — the platform for Pervasive Data Intelligence — for predictive maintenance that maximizes uptime. See the difference Vantage makes.

It’s true: money can’t buy love. But with Teradata Vantage, and a little help from your friends at Teradata, you can say hello to answers, and goodbye to partial analytics solutions.
Portrait of Chris Twogood

Chris Twogood

Chris Twogood is Senior Vice President Global Marketing for Teradata Corporation. He is responsible for the Teradata brand, influencer relations, content marketing, corporate communications, global events, demand generation, account based marketing and digital for Teradata including web and social. Chris has thirty years of experience. Chris has extensive experience in the computer industry specializing in data warehousing, decision support, customer management and analytics. View all posts by Chris Twogood

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