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Increase Productivity: Rev Up Your Teradata System

Increase Productivity: Rev Up Your Teradata System

Are you getting the most out of your Teradata system?

If you’re using Teradata for just your data warehousing, then the answer is probably ‘no’—and you’re missing out on the full potential of one of the most powerful analytics engines available.

More knowledge, more value

Gaining a deeper understanding of how you can get more out of Teradata can be a positive catalyst for improving efficiency, productivity, and revenue across your business. With the right knowledge, Teradata can be a guiding light for helping you illuminate the unknown and expose new opportunities for better business outcomes. And best of all, revealing real-time insights means you can deliver faster value across the organization—and more efficiently—making you the hero of your business. 

So, the question is, how?

Productivity improvements are closely tied to the technology that enables business processes. Just think, what could your organization accomplish if you were able garner insights and answers in a shorter amount of time? 

Do more, faster

Enter Teradata’s inherent parallel processing, which enables insights and answers to be gained in seconds, not hours. This enables a 20X increase in throughput allowing you to do more, faster. You’re empowered to complete more calculations directly inside of the Teradata engine, rather than exporting data sets to other systems or applications to be processed—and, along the way, remove complexity and duplication so you can improve internal satisfaction and customer retention.

By improving overall data efficiencies, you can reduce costs associated with man-hours and technology computations which leads to positive results in revenue. More than a location to store data, Teradata provides the speed, scale, and flexibility to deliver genuine, actionable answers—the edge you need in the rising digital economy.
Click here to learn more about leveraging data and analytics to truly differentiate, outperform, and adopt faster to changing needs, or reach out to your Teradata account executive. #BuiltForTheCloud #CloudExperts

Portrait of Bryan Sheridan

Bryan Sheridan

Bryan is an experienced business development professional focusing on how data and analytics can create value for organizations. Prior to joining the technology sector, Bryan played professional golf and currently lives in San Francisco. View all posts by Bryan Sheridan

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